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Comprehensive Tool

Support for several applications such as neurite outgrowth, apoptosis and cellular differentiation assays.

Project Management

CellSee offers comprehensive project management, associating results with input images. Any number of projects can be opened at a time, with each project containing several images.

Extensive Support

CellSee processes 8-bit gray scale or indexed color,16-bit unsigned integer, 32-bit floating point and RGB colors to quantitatively measure phenotypes automatically. It can read and save images in a number of formats such as TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG and raw.

Image Display

CellSee can zoom, scroll, crop, scale, resize, rotate and flip images vertically or horizontally. In addition, image overlay and merging of channels is supported.

Processing & Enhancement

Sophisticated processing methods such as smoothing, sharpening, edge detection, median filtering and thresholding can be performed with ease. Support is available for adjusting brightness and contrast to improve image quality.

Image Editing

Cut, copy and paste images or a selection. ROI selection tools such as arrows, rectangles, ellipse, polygons, line and free draw are available.

Superior Algorithm for Analysis

Measure area, mean and standard deviation for a user defined ROI. Perform cell count, measure length and angle. Generate density histograms and line profile plots. Results can be saved in .xls and can be exported to data analysis tools for further analysis.

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